Sharing Vagrant Box offline

If you have some box that was downloaded on your machine from Atlas but now you wanna share it on other machines and you don鈥檛 have internet to download it, how do you share it? You will need to export the box from machine that has it downloaded already. So on machine with boxes: $ vagrant box list centos/7 (libvirt, 1610.01) centos/7 (libvirt, 1704.01) fedora/25-cloud-base (libvirt, 20161122) fedora/26-cloud-base (libvirt, 20170705) I wanted to share fedora/26-cloud-base box to another machine. Run the following command: ...

September 18, 2017 路 2 min 路 Suraj Deshmukh

rpm Notes

This post will get you through all the steps needed for doing RPM packaging. Setup of the system for building rpms $ dnf -y install fedora-packager fedora-review $ sudo usermod -a -G mock vagrant $ fedora-packager-setup $ kinit surajd@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG My Notes Start reading from: Fedora packager鈥檚 guide Some macros come from redhat-rpm-config and fedora-rpm-macros. $ sudo rpm -ql redhat-rpm-config-45-1.fc25.noarch To see all macros on the system: $ rpm --showrc Koji - fedora build system fedora uses fedpkg for doing builds, while rpmbuild is for CentOS To get general info about the package $ rpm -qip ./x86_64/namaskar-1-1.fc25.x86_64.rpm OR ...

March 24, 2017 路 2 min 路 Suraj Deshmukh

Packaging 'kompose' for centos paas sig

Note: This is a living document and will be updated from time to time. Following are steps to package kompose for CentOS PAAS SIG. CentOS PAAS SIG is a repository of packages where rpms related to OpenShift and eco-system around it are delivered. Setup your machine Install packages needed sudo yum update -y && \ sudo yum install -y epel-release && \ sudo yum install -y rpm-build go redhat-rpm-config make koji \ gcc byobu rpmlint rpmdevtools centos-packager Setup certs ...

March 15, 2017 路 4 min 路 Suraj Deshmukh

Testing 'fedora' and 'CentOS' kompose package

I generally do kompose package testing for fedora and CentOS. So here are the steps I follow. Fedora For respective fedora version use the tag respectively for e.g. 25 for fedora 25. Starting the environment: docker run -it bash Running tests: # Inside the container # Pull packages from the testing repository dnf --enablerepo updates-testing -y install kompose # Check the kompose version kompose version # Install the testing dependencies dnf install -y jq make # Pull the git repository to run the functional tests git clone cd kompose git reset --hard $(kompose version | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1) # Run cmd tests make test-cmd CentOS epel repo Spin the CentOS environment in container. ...

March 14, 2017 路 2 min 路 Suraj Deshmukh