Monitor releases of your favourite software

There are various ways to know about the release of your favourite new software, follow the mailing list, check the Github release page periodically, follow the project’s Twitter handle, etc. But do you know there is even more reliable way to track the releases of your favourite software released on Github. Github Releases and RSS feeds For every repository on Github, if the project is posting their releases, you can follow the RSS feed of that project’s release. The RSS feed link for any project’s release is: ...

January 17, 2021 · 2 min · Suraj Deshmukh

Cobra and Persistentflags gotchas

If you are using cobra cmd line library for golang applications and it’s PersistentFlags and if you have a use case where you are adding same kind of flag in multiple places. You might burn your fingers in that case, if you keep adding it in multiple sub-commands without giving it a second thought. To understand what is really happening and why it is happening follow along. All the code referenced here can be found here ...

January 4, 2019 · 3 min · Suraj Deshmukh

Notes on talk - Advanced testing in golang by Mitchell Hashimoto

Test Fixtures “go test” sets pwd as package directory Test Helpers should never return an error they should access to the *testing.T object call t.Helper() in the beginning (works only for go1.9+) for things reqiuiring clean up return closures Configurability Unconfigurable behavior is often a point of difficulty for tests. e.g. ports, timeouts, paths. Over-parameterize structs to allow tests to fine-tune their behavior It’s ok to make these configs unexported so only tests can set them. Slides Video GopherCon 2017: Mitchell Hashimoto - Advanced Testing with Go by Mitchell Hashimoto

March 7, 2018 · 1 min · Suraj Deshmukh

Methods that satisfy interfaces in golang

Pointer receiver For a struct User with a method Work with pointer receiver. type User struct { Name string Period int } func (u *User) Work() { fmt.Println(u.Name, "has worked for", u.Period, "hrs.") } func main() { uval := User{"UserVal", 5} uval.Work() pval := &User{"UserPtr", 6} pval.Work() } See on go playground. output: UserVal has worked for 5 hrs. UserPtr has worked for 6 hrs. If we call this method on value type object uval it works, and obviously it works with pointer type object pval. Value receiver Now we change the method receiver from pointer to value. ...

February 23, 2018 · 3 min · Suraj Deshmukh

vscode Shortcuts

This post has shortcuts that are generic and golang specific as well. This post will edited from time to time. Shortcuts Toggle side bar Ctrl + B Project explorer in side bar Ctrl + Shift + E Project wide search in side bar Ctrl + Shift + F Source control in side bar Ctrl + Shift + G Copy entire line Ctrl + C (without any selection) Delete entire line Ctrl + Shift + K ...

February 22, 2018 · 3 min · Suraj Deshmukh

Intellij Shortcuts

Note: This is a living document and will be updated as I discover new things. Shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + A Find any action in IDE Ctrl + Shift + F Find in Path Alt + 1 Open project navigator. You can search here, just start typing here, after the project navigator window is opened. Shift + Insert in Project window Here you can add new file to the project. The filename could be the entire path, so the intermediate directories will be created for you. ...

March 17, 2017 · 5 min · Suraj Deshmukh