Enabling Seccomp on your Prometheus Operator and related Pods

Seccomp helps us limit the system calls the process inside container can make. And PodSecurityPolicy is the way to enable it on pods in Kubernetes. Prometheus Operator Prometheus Operator makes it really easy to monitor your Kubernetes cluster. To deploy this behemoth, helm chart is the easiest way to do it. Almost all the pods that run as a part of Prometheus Operator viz. Prometheus Operator, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana, Kube State Metrics don鈥檛 need to run with elevated privileges except Node Exporter....

April 14, 2020 路 3 min 路 Suraj Deshmukh

Writing your own Seccomp profiles for Docker

What is Seccomp? A large number of system calls are exposed to every userland process with many of them going unused for the entire lifetime of the process. A certain subset of userland applications benefit by having a reduced set of available system calls. The resulting set reduces the total kernel surface exposed to the application. System call filtering is meant for use with those applications. Seccomp filtering provides a means for a process to specify a filter for incoming system calls....

June 10, 2019 路 3 min 路 Suraj Deshmukh