Suraj Deshmukh's talks at conferences
Confidential Containers 101: A Hands-on Workshop - Kubecon North America 2024 Fortifying AI Security in Kubernetes with Confidential Containers (CoCo) - Kubecon Europe 2024 Memory Armor for SPIRE: Fortifying SPIRE with Confidential Containers (CoCo) - Kubecon Europe 2024 Misfits - Feat. ContainerSSH and Confidential Containers (You Choose!, Ch. 3, Ep. 10) Confidential Containers: The Next Frontier in Cloud-NativeSecurity - Cloud Native Rejekts 2023 Building Container Defences Executable at a Time - KCD Bangalore 2022 PSP and Beyond - Kubernetes Bangalore Meetup June 2021 Hardening Kubernetes by Securing Pods - Rootconf 2019 State of Kubernetes Meetups - DevOpsDays India 2017 Making Kubernetes Simple For Developers - Rootconf 2017 Taking docker-compose to Production - Gophercon 2017 Lightening talk

Open Source Confidential Containers (CoCo) on Azure
Introduction In the realm of cloud computing, ensuring data privacy and security is paramount, yet profoundly challenging. One innovative solution to this challenge is Confidential Containers (CoCo)1, designed to provide an extra layer of security for data in use. However, deploying CoCo requires access to specialized hardware, which adds complexity. Beyond just finding the right hardware, the setup involves navigating a maze of technical specifications – from BIOS configurations to kernel versions – making the process daunting. ...

Fight Your Instincts — Your Default Behaviour is Hurting You
We behave in a certain way. It is shaped by various factors like our upbringing, environment, privilege, etc. But most of the time, it is shaped by our instincts. Until pointed out, we continue to act with our instincts. This instinct-driven behavior is our default behavior. I am making a case that anyone who has never rebelled against or resisted their default behavior will find it hard to achieve success in this world. All the successful people we see have done something that required fighting the default behavior, which led them to achieve something exceptional and become successful. ...

Learnings from 'Atomic Habits'
Yet again, this is not a book review, instead, go ahead and read the book Atomic Habits. I can’t recommend it enough. Written by James Clear, the book is not a theoretical text just talking about habits. Rather, it is a handbook that goes into the depth of how habits form, how they can be fostered, how human evolution hinders good habit formation in today’s world, etc. It gives you practical tips and actions on setting good habits and breaking bad ones. ...

Unchanging Contexts and Degrading Productivity
Everything feels like work since the pandemic began. But the feeling has been more gnawing for the last couple of months. I have been working from home since 2018, but that was different! The work from home since the pandemic began is pretty adverse. The Tragedy of Lost Contexts Everything happens from the same place, things like work, seeing friends, entertainment, conferences, meetup, reading for fun, side project, etc. Earlier, there was a context and a place for each and everything. All of these other things have encroached on my workplace. Seeing friends in person is replaced by meeting them on Zoom. Watching movies in theater has been replaced by Netflix or Prime Video. Conferences had a special place for them in big convention centers in distant places. Now there are online platforms for organizing that too. A different company would host us for the meetup. There was a novelty in seeing new company spaces, a joy of talking tech for hours, that was fun. But now that too is only on Zoom, and it feels like yet another meeting. Cafes were for side projects and reading, but alas, that too happens in the same room, the same place. ...

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam tips
I recently cleared the CKS certification exam. So it is incumbent upon me to help you navigate this stress-bound exam. All the tips that are provided are either from accrued knowledge or from personal experience. Study Material During the study of CKA almost three years ago, I studied everything from the documentation. Back then, the documentation had less content hence it was comprehensible. But now, to go through the entire documentation was not practical. So I did the course by the killer.sh. This course is rich in information, exercises and tries to explain the basics. At the end of each section in the course, the trainer provides resources to read more on the given topic. I would recommend going through each and every resource provided. Don’t skip these. These resources will help you familiarize yourself with the Kubernetes documentation and support you during the exam. ...

Learnings from 'Sapiens'
This is not a book review. Instead, this is a book recommendation. Please go ahead and buy this book. If you cannot afford to buy the book, please reach out to me. I will help you buy it⁕. This blog will give you a general idea of what this book is about. I will provide some background about the book and the author, followed by the notes from the book. ...